The Merchant will visit your village every day to offer Emeralds in trade for your hard earned wares. He will offer trades that are based on what your village can produce. The trades change every day, so a well diversified village is key to maximizing your emerald stores.


The Merchant, like Nomads, spawns on the edges of the TekTopia custom path finding system. A clear path into your village is required for the Merchant to reach your Town Hall. If the Merchant can not find his way into your town you will receive an error message letting you know.

If you have a Market Stall in town, the merchant will hang around the stall. If not, the Merchant will randomly wander around your village.


The merchant will randomize trades each day. A merchant visiting a Merchant Stall will have two extra random trades generated for that day (if possible).

The chart below summarizes the possible trades.

Amount is the quantity of items the merchant requires; Base Value is the starting price of a new economy.

Appearance weight sums the weight numbers from all trades, then chooses a random number from one to the total sum. Each of those weights determines how likely that item is to appear, relative to the other possible trades.

Required Profession is the profession required in the village before the trade appears.

The more you trade with your merchant, the more the prices will change. Trading one item will lower its value and increase the value of other items. The merchant economy tracks the last 30 items sold.

Once per day, the merchant will offer 1 quality food sale to small villages.