The lumberjack chops down trees for all your lumber needs. They can chop down oak, birch, jungle, and spruce.


Chop Tree

Lumberjacks will scan the village for known, unclaimed trees. They can chop down oak, birch, jungle, and spruce trees. Dark oak and acacia are not implemented yet. They will favor trees closer to their current position. As they approach the tree they will automatically destroy any leaves at head height in order to access the tree trunk.

Once chopping begins there are three factors that determine the length of time it takes for a tree to be chopped down:

  • the Lumberjack's skill
  • the tool they are using
  • the efficiency enchantment on the tool

Once the tree is chopped all logs that are part of that tree will be destroyed. Approximately 1/5th of the log blocks will be dropped as items for the Lumberjack to pick up.

About a second after the logs are broken, the Lumberjack will attempt to scoop up all the nearby logs on the ground and bring them to Storage.

Finally, before the Lumberjack leaves he will plant a sapling of the same type of tree he just chopped (assuming he has one)

Pick Up Item

Lumberjacks will periodically scan up to 40 blocks away for saplings and apples. If they find either item, they will walk over and pick them up.

Apples will be delivered to storage but saplings, unlike most other items, will never be delivered. Lumberjacks will hold up to 60 saplings of each type in their personal inventories.

Upgrade Axe

The Lumberjack will start their journey with a wooden axe. If a better axe is available in the Storage building they will collect it and replace their current axe.

If however, there are no axes available in storage when their current axe breaks, the Lumberjack will attempt to craft their own wooden axe at a crafting bench in Storage.

Decorative Trees

If you wish to add decorative trees to your village, simply make sure the block below the trunk is anything other than Dirt. Lumberjacks should no longer destroy player placed leaves.

Acacia and 2x2 Trees

Although a Lumberjack may pick up all varieties of saplings, they are not able to deal with 2x2 trees or acacia trees very well. This has to do with the algorithm they use to chop trees. If leaves of another tree are nearby, a Lumberjack may chop into a tree they would not normally harvest, occasionally resulting in villager acacia or dark oak. These items are not tradeable.

Associated Villagers

Makes axes for Lumberjacks

Needs wood for torches

Needs wood for bowls and fuel (charcoal)

Needs wood to make tools

Needs wood to make wooden tools

Needs wood to make wooden weapons