Nitwits are villagers who are still job hunting.


A Nitwit is a villager who has no profession. Once a child grows up after 5 or 6 days it is automatically turned into a nitwit.

Nitwits serve no daily functions in your village. They eat your food and produce nothing.

Nitwits will not produce Hearts and will slowly lose happiness. They also have a difficult time regaining happiness.

They will never visit the Library to read and gain intelligence.

Nitwits do have one huge benefit. Their intelligence is used to boosts the initial skill level of their new profession by a random value between 50% and 100% of their intelligence value. For example, if a Nitwit has 40 intelligence as they are converted to a Farmer. They will immediately have between 20 and 40 skill in Farming. Since Nitwits are grown up Children, this is why educating your children in School is incredibly important.