The teacher educates the children of the village, increasing their intelligence.

Pic courtesy of nerdymindnyc


The Teacher will gather the children inside the School and teach them during the mid day hours. This is the fastest way to raise a villager's intelligence. Children can learn in two ways while school is in session.

General Learning

Just being in school with a teacher during school hours will allow a child to slowly raise their intelligence. While sitting in their chairs, students will get learning opportunities based on the teacher's skill. If they succeed, they will gain 1 intelligence point. If they fail, they will raise their hand in class to ask a question.

Book Learning

If the Teacher has acquired a book that was crafted by an Enchanter, they can teach the class much faster. In fact, using a book during school will allow the teacher to grant a few intelligence to every student in the School.

The Teacher will only hold school if there are children present in the village.


If a crafting bench is placed in the School, the teacher will use paper and feathers to craft nametags.

Associated Villager Related Structures

Makes books used for learning

Learns from the Teacher

Where the children are taught