All thought icons will show up above the villagers head when they are in need of a particular item or are being affected by an action.


This icon will show when the miner needs a pickaxe but none are available and one cannot be crafted.


This icon will show when the miner needs more torches but none are available and they cannot be crafted.


This icon will show when the rancher is out of buckets and there are no more in storage.


This icon will show when the rancher is out of shears and there are no more in storage.

Feed Cows

This icon will show when the rancher needs wheat to feed the cows.

Feed Chickens

This icon will show when the rancher needs seeds to feed the chickens.

Feed Sheep

This icon will show when the rancher needs wheat to feed the sheep.

Feed Pigs

This icon will show when the rancher needs carrots, potatoes or beetroots, to feed the pigs.


This icon will show when a Guard needs a sword but none are available and one cannot be crafted.


This icon will show when the Farmer needs a hoe but none are available and one cannot be crafted.


This icon will show when the Lumberjack/Butcher needs an axe but none are available and one cannot be crafted.

Perform in Tavern

This icon will show when the bard can't find a noteblock in the tavern to play by.

Needs a School

This icon will show when a teacher is trying to teach but doesn't have a School.

All villagers

This happens when a villager has seen an enemy or was woken up in the night.

Overcrowding happens when there are to many villagers in one structure.

This icon will show when a villager is hungry and needs food but cannot find food.

Wants a Tavern

This icon will show when a villager is unhappy and need a tavern but no tavern is available.

This icon will show when a villager needs a bed to sleep but can't find or path to one.