Shared Behaviors

Eat Food

When the Villager's hunger is less than 30% they will try to eat some food. If they have none they will go to Storage to get whatever food looks best for them.

The Villager will eat food based on their current Hunger and Happiness. If a Villager's Hunger is low, but they have a high Happiness, they will prioritize food that provides higher Hunger than Happiness.

A Villager will never eat a food that pushes them over 100 Happiness or 100 Hunger.

The benefits that a Villager receives from food is halved if that food is non-villager food.

Storage Visits

In general, any item in a Villager's inventory that they don't need to perform their job will be returned to Storage.

When a Villager does any task in the Storage building they will then prioritize other tasks in the Storage Building.

For example, if a Villager drops off items, they will then check to see if they need to upgrade their tool or get additional food.


If a Villager has no work to do for a period of time, they will wander the village.


Villagers will sleep at night, unless enemies have been seen near the village recently. Villagers will always wake up when they take damage, but will only sleep once per night. Sleeping gradually heals villagers.


Most villagers will not work while it is raining. They will stay in the homes until the rain finishes but may visit the Tavern or Library.

Item Interaction

Villagers will only interact with items, such as chests or crafting benches, that are placed on the floor. This is the same y level as the bottom of the door into the structure.


Zombies will attack Villagers the same way they attack vanilla villagers. No other vanilla mobs do so unless they are being controlled by the Necromancer.


In the unfortunate event that a Villager dies, they will drop all items they are holding. The player will receive a chat message detailing the Villager's name, profession, cause of demise, and location.


To see what the symbols over a Villager's head mean, visit the Thought Icons page.