Children represent the future of a villager and have an incredible capacity to learn.


When Villagers go to sleep with high happiness there is a chance that they will produce a Heart for the player to collect. The closer they are to 100 Happiness, the more likely they are to spawn a Heart.

The Heart will spawn near a bed in a Villager Home. When a Heart is nearby you will hear a distinctive Twinkle sound.

When the player places a Heart on an unclaimed bed, a Child will spawn. Children start with a random amount of intelligence, similar to Nomads. They will have the same last name as the villager who spawned the heart.


If available, a Child will go to School to gain intelligence. Higher intelligence leads to faster skill increases once the Child acquires a profession. Attending school is the fastest way for any villager to gain intelligence. For full details on how a child gains intelligence in School, see the Teacher.

When not in School or when there is no School structure, children will wander around the village and play tag with each other.

When any villager gains a skill level, any children nearby have a small chance of also gaining skill in that profession. Children can only gain up to half the skill level of the villager they are watching and will not learn via proximity when they are attending school.


After approximately 5-6 in-game days, a child will become an adult Nitwit.

Nitwits are villagers without professions. They can be assigned a profession by clicking on them with a Profession Token.

Associated Villager

Teaches the children.