The Library is a great place of learning and magic.

Pic courtesy of nerdymindnyc
Pic courtesy of DocNox1408
Pic courtesy of Chartech


The Library requires bookshelves placed on the floor for Villagers to read books.

The number of Villagers that can read in the library at the same time, is limited to the number of bookshelves placed on the floor.

Book shelves can also be in the walls so long as they are on the same y as the bottom of the door.

If you have an Enchanter, the Library also needs a crafting bench and enchanting table.


During the day, Villagers may go to the Library and read. (Guards will go at night.) Reading slowly increases a Villager's intelligence level.

The Enchanter also uses the Enchanting Table to enchant armor, tools, weapons, and books.

The Enchanter uses a crafting bench to make paper and books.

relevant villagers

Works in the Library