The miner delves into designated mineshafts underground to mine resources that are used by other villagers.



When the Miner goes mining he will claim an available mineshaft and navigate to to its deepest position. Once there, Mining takes place in three parts.

Part 1: Continue the tunnel. The Miner will dig the two blocks to extend the tunnel one space. If there is lava or water any blocks, the Miner will leave that Mineshaft and find another.

Part 2: Scan for ores in surrounding blocks. The Miner will look at the adjacent 6 blocks. If the miner locates valuables, they will dig them out and scan the revealed blocks. This process will continue up to three blocks away.

Part 3: Repair the tunnel. The Miner will replace any air blocks in the surrounding 6 blocks with cobblestone. During this step, they will also cover up any exposed lava on the floor.

Miners have a chance to get bonus ore when mining smooth stone. This bonus ore they receive will be randomized as per normal ore distribution at y=11. This means coal and redstone will be common, while diamonds will remain rare.

As the Miner extends the Mineshaft he will place torches from his inventory on the ground to keep it lit and spawn free.

Deliver to Storage

This is the most basic task that villagers have. When a villager has items to deliver to your Storage Building it will take them there. The Miner will deliver all ore and gems to the Storage Building.

The Miner will only attempt to deliver items to the Storage Building towards the end of their work day. This is to prevent unnecessarily long trips from the mine to the Storage Building.

Miners will gather:

  • Iron Ore
  • Coal
  • Lapis
  • Diamonds
  • Redstone
  • Gold Ore
  • Emeralds

Upgrade Gear

The Miner will attempt to upgrade their pick if there is a better one available in the Storage Building.

Crafting Torches and Supplies

When the Miner has less than 12 torches they will attempt to get more from the Storage building. The Miner can carry up to 30 torches. If none are available in the Storage Building they will craft additional torches. The miner will smelt wood into charcoal using a furnace in the Storage Building. The time it takes to craft torches is dependent on the Miners skill level.

If the miner needs a pickaxe and a better pickaxe is not available in the Storage building, they will craft a Wooden Pickaxe. The time it takes to craft a pickaxe is dependent on the Miner's skill level.

Pic courtesy of JohnyDL

Villager dependencies

Structure dependencies

Makes better picks for the Miner

Uses ore to craft better tools

Uses lapis to enchant tools and armor

Required for a Miner