What version of Minecraft will Tektopia work with?

Tektopia will only work on Forge 1.12.2 Java Minecraft. It will not work on PE, Bedrock, or console.

Do villagers climb ladders?

No. Like vanilla mobs, they can be pushed up ladders when enough mobs are crammed into a small area, but the pathing AI will not make them climb ladders deliberately.

Why aren't my farmer's farming?

This can happen for several reasons:

  • Nothing is fully grown so there's nothing to harvest.
  • They have no seeds to plant.
  • They have no hoe to till the ground.
  • There is no ground in the farming area left to till.
  • They don't know where to farm.
  • Their AI for farming is turned off.

When you are starting a farmland area, make sure you plant as many of whatever crop you want to grow there so the farmers know what they should be planting in that area.

Will villagers go through water?

Villagers cannot pathfind through water at this time. If they fall in the water, you must push them out. They will be stuck until you do so.

Why isn't my token glowing?

Does your building meet all of the requirements for a structure? If it does and the building is still not glowing, it is possible there is another village too close to you. If neither is the case, make sure that the tokens you are using were purchased in the same village. Structure tokens from other villages will not work.

Why won't my villagers sleep?

Villagers may not sleep for many reasons:

  • There are not enough beds. Count your beds and your villagers to ensure there are enough.
  • The Town Hall and/or Storage is not working properly.
  • They were woken up and have Insomnia. They should sleep on the next night.
  • They cannot get to the beds. Beds must have 2 air blocks above them and one block next to them free.

Will Tektopia work with other mods?

Tektopia will not have specific compatibility with other mods (i.e., on purpose). It may work, it may not. Any compatibility with other mods is unintentional.

How can I set up a server?

Please contact Forge support or your server host to learn how to set up a server.

Can I sleep through the night?

You can sleep through the night. If the Villagers are not in their beds before you sleep they will not sleep for that night.

What should I do if I purchase the wrong token?

There is not a way to sell wrongly purchased items to the Architect or Tradesman.

Will Villagers use stairs?

Yes, Villagers can use stairs, however, Villagers are not good at using one-wide stairs, spiral stairs, or stairs that have less than 3 blocks of space above them.