Farmland is required for Farmers to plant and harvest crops. After the Town Hall and Storage, it should be the first "structure" you create. Unlike other structures, a Farm does not require a Structure Marker.


Farmland has the same the basic requirements of vanilla Minecraft (access to water, light, etc).

The village will periodically scan for viable Farmland for the Farmer to use. When the village detects Farmland, it will then scan adjacent blocks for additional Farmland. It will repeat this process several times to determine the overall "Farm". If an adjacent block is dirt or grass the Farmer will turn it into Farmland.

A Farmers willingness to select a specific plot of land to work on is dependent on two things:

  • the distance from the Town Hall
  • the size of the Farm

For this reason, larger farms should be placed farther from the Town Hall.

If you do not place a border on your farms, the Farmers will continue to make farmland.

Pic courtesy of nerdymindnyc


Building a farm is one of the first requirements for sustaining a village. Without crops your villagers will quickly gain hunger and eventually starve. As all villagers needs to eat, especially early game, this is the first "structure" that should be added to a new village.

how it works

Farm selection is a weighted random roll instead of just choosing the closest farms first.

Each farm's weight is a function of its distance from the storage room and its size; the bigger and closer a farm is, the more it will be worked

If farm A is 2x the size of farm B, but also 2x the distance from storage, both farms will be worked with roughly equal priority (assuming there is work in each to be done)

Small farms that are far away will get much less attention.

Farmers will begin farming once an area has been seeded with the appropriate crop so they know what you want planted in that field

Pic courtesy of Konyv

Relevant Villagers

Farms the farmland

Druids will accelerate the growth of crops