The Enchanter makes paper, books, and enchanted items for your village.



If the Library has an enchanting table, the enchanter will pick up enchantable goods from the community Storage and bring them in to be enchanted. The following items can be enchanted by the Enchanter.

  • books
  • iron sword
  • iron axe
  • iron pick axe
  • iron chestplate
  • iron helmet
  • iron leggings
  • iron boots
  • leather chestplate
  • leather helmet
  • leather leggings
  • leather boots
  • diamond sword
  • diamond axe
  • diamond pick axe
  • diamond chestplate
  • diamond helmet
  • diamond leggings
  • diamond boots

The level of enchant applied depends on the Enchanter's skill level. Higher skill level Enchanters will grant higher quality and quantity enchants per item.

The Enchanter requires lapis from the Miner in order to enchant items.

Enchanted items will be returned to the storage room and picked up by Guards, Lumberjacks, or Miners if they can use them.

Book enchants are entirely random and not dependent on the Enchanter's skill level or bookshelves near the enchanting table. Books can be enchanted with any enchantment in Minecraft.


If the Library has a crafting bench, the Enchanter will also craft paper from sugarcane, and books from paper and leather following normal vanilla recipes. The books will be returned to Storage for the Teacher to use in class or kept to be enchanted.

Associated VillagerS

Gathers sugarcane to be turned into paper

Gathers leather to be turned into books

Gathers lapis from the mines

Makes tools and weapons to be enchanted

Guards use gear enchanted by the Enchanter

Uses books made by the Enchanter

structure dependencies

Uses enchanting table and crafting table