how it works

Crowding applies to the following buildings:

  • HOME2
  • HOME4
  • HOME6

These buildings have a Tile-per-Villager ratio of 12-1.

When inside one of these buildings, a villager will periodically check for overcrowding.

If there are currently less than 12 tiles per villager in the structure, the villager will experience overcrowding.

Any 'special' blocks scanned by the structure will also count as a floor tile (chests, beds, chairs, crafting benches, anvils, bookshelves, furnaces, enchanting tables, etc).

Overcrowding causes the villager to lose happiness and display the overcrowding icon above their head.

The amount of happiness the villager loses is dependent on how severe the overcrowding is:

If overcrowding is more than 2x (a 6 block per 1 villager ratio) then -5 happiness will be applied to the villager.

Less overcrowding will reduce this penalty until it reaches zero at 12 blocks per 1 villager.

For example, 9-1 overcrowding will cause -2.5 unhappiness.

Low ceilings (rooms with predominantly only 2 air blocks of clearance) will also cause overcrowding penalties.

Overcrowding can only happen once per structure entered. Once it happens within a structure it can't happen again until they walk outside that structure.

Examples: Home 2 (24 tiles), Home 4 (48 tiles), Home 6 (72 tiles)