

- Lumberjacks will check a larger area for leaves to break when approaching trees. However, they will no longer break leaves that cannot decay (ones placed by hand)

- Fixed bug with world scanned blocks (logs, sugarcane, saplings) not having their claims released correctly.

- Improved tree detection to check for decayable leaves only.

- Improved Sapling detection for druids looking to grow trees.

- Reduced Bard leveling rates.



- !! CraftStudio jar file is now embedded in the TekTopia jar file. The separate jar file is no longer necessary.

- Guards should no longer rotate and lose there minds when attempting to run to enemies.

- When logging in for the first time a player will now receive a brief and inadequate book pointing them to the wiki.

- Ranchers will lead mooshrooms to the cow pen now.

- Increased Chef's beetroot soup storage goal from 3 to 15.

- Fixed rendering issues with Patreon rancher hat.

- The butcher no longer requires a villager axe to produce villager meat and goods.

- The recipe for the Storage structure has been put back into the game. This should only be necessary if you lose or blow up your free one from the Town Hall starter chest.

- The Bard will now get unhappy if their performances are not appreciated by sufficient people.

- The Mod will now know when it is out of date within the game. See the blinking green star to see that a new version is available.

- Patch notes are now included in game.


Version 1.0.91

- Crowding checks have been enabled.

- Slightly increased the frequency which villagers can get unhappy doing their jobs.


Version 1.0.90

### The two features marked are implemented but currently disabled. They will be enabled next patch (very soon). Make your adjustments asap ###

- **Villager will now become unhappy with overcrowding in structures. Most structures require 12 floor tiles per villager.

If that ratio is not met, the villagers inside will become unhappy. Sleeping villagers are unaffected. More details will be put up on the wiki.

- **Villagers will also now become unhappy with low ceilings. Structures with average ceiling height lower than 2.5 air blocks will cause unhappiness.

- Chefs now craft golden apples.

- Guards will now pick up 1 villager golden apple. If they drop below 50% health they will eat it for Regen 1 for 10 seconds and Absorption for 2 minutes.

- Added patreon promotion event at the 10th profession token purchase.

- Tons of foundation code for Patreon exclusive features post launch.

- Fixed crash with teacher teaching with books.

- Guards will now stop attacking a target or armor stand when their hunger is below 10 instead of 0.

- Lumberjacks will see less gains in log drops as they level up. High level lumberjacks will still require less swings to down a tree, but will now receive the same percentage of logs from that tree.

- Tweaked large oak tree chopping. Now only logs adjacent to leaves will be broken and less buildings.

- Skeletons converted by the necromancer have had their range halved.

- Villagers will no longer lose hunger if the storage room isn't loaded. This should hopefully prevent some rare starvation cases


Version 1.0.87

- Guards will craft wooden swords again as necessary.

- Villagers converted with a profession token will retain previous traits again. (Bug from last patch)

- Children will no longer grow up after 4-5 days worth of server ticks. Instead they will grow up after experiencing 4-5 unique days.

- Chefs will now return the correct number of villager buckets when a non villager cake is made.

- Villagers have developed a fear of the nether and refuse to teleport there now.

- Guards now have a specific set of AI filters to control what gear they equip

- Guards now consider enchantments when choosing armor and weapons.

- Removed the condition where the Necromancer would self despawn. If you find a way to abuse the Necro AI please let me know.


Version 1.0.84

- Newly created villager items should no longer have the annoying symbol in from of the green color text.

- Reduced the amount of beetroot seeds farmers will pick up when harvesting fresh beats.

- Apples picked up by Lumberjacks will be villager apples.

- Villagers converted with profession tokens will retain their inventory.

- The Enchanter should no longer rarely enchant books with no enchants on it.

- The intelligence a child gains in school will now be much more dependent on the teachers skill.

- Changed how teachers gain skill while teaching. (Please monitor these new skill-up rates and give feedback.)

- Greatly increased the storage goal of paper and books for the Enchanter. This means he should make more.

- Teacher's using Non-villager books to teach in school will be much less effective.

- Enchanters have recently discovered non-villager books are much harder to enchant with high level enchants.

- Reduced the amount of wool Ranchers get from shearing sheep.

- Any villager crafting recipe that required logs will now allow any type of log.

- Villagers that get stuck anywhere will attempt to teleport back to the nearest walkable pathing node.

- Reduced the amount of redstone druids will regrow in tunnels.

- Increased the quantity of food from purchased merchant trades by 50%.

- Bread has been improved. Was 45 Hunger/0 Happy. Now is 55 Hunger/4 happy. Base price at the merchant has gone from 5 to 8 emeralds per 16.

- Reprioritized Blacksmith crafting. Diamond products will now be crafted before iron if the diamonds are available.

- Slightly increased the likelyhood of farmers trying to harvest sugar cane.

- Lumberjacks will be a less aggressive with leaf clearing. They will no longer clear leaves at the same level as their feet and will only break leaves directly above an air block.


Version 1.0.78

- Renamed the Blacksmith structure to the Smithy.

- Guards that have been converted to a new profession will no longer sleep in the barracks.

- Fixed bug where the town hall marker could get desynchronized from its own village.

- The rancher will stop gathering milk once there are 4+ milk buckets in storage.

- Nitwits will no longer read in the library.

- Fixed bug with villagers getting to bed in a house with 2 block high ceilings.

- Fixed bug with sleep AI being interrupted before sleep start would cause insomnia.

- Miners that dig in open ended tunnels will still place torches now.

- Naturally generated villages no longer spawn with starter chests.

- Tradesman/Architect will now update their prices when you close the their trade window.

- Reduced the amount of wheat seeds farmers will pick up when harvesting wheat.

- Reduced happiness from sitting in chairs at home.


Version 1.0.76

- Tweaked the dynamic economy a bit to discourage repeat sales.

- Fixed miner bonus ore (again). Correct item types are put directly into miner's inventory.

- The reading capacity of a library is now limited to the number of floor scanned book shelves. Book shelves may be in walls.


Version 1.0.75

- Miners were not generating bonus ore. Fixed.

- Guards will only train in the barracks if their skill is less than their intelligence.

- Lowered the skill up rate for lumberjacks.


Version 1.0.73

- Fixed crash with guards ProtectVillage AI if the guard unlinked from the village during it.

- Fixed druid earth reform being offset one block too low.

- Druids will no longer Earth Reform on a block that is already ore.

- When children are learning skills by proximity, they will only be able to gain up to 1/2 the skill level of the villager they are watching.

- Slightly reduced radius of children proximity learning.

- Children will no longer proximity learn while attending school.

- Fixed bug where hurt villagers would never sleep due to insomnia.

- Miners no longer receive double ores when mining an ore block. Instead they have now have increased 'bonus' ore chances from Stone.


Version 1.0.72

-Fixed crashing issue.


Version 1.0.71

- Found some long standing bugs that turned out were caused by Sponge.

- The necromancer will now be invulnerable when he should be. Finally!

- Villagers taking damage will now correctly be reported to chat and the glow effect given.

- Non Defenders (Guards and Clerics) taking damage will lower their happiness by 8.

- Taking damage will wake a villager up.

- Villagers can only sleep once per night.

- The Captain's Aura of Courage radius now scales with the Captain's Guard skill.

- Clerics have learned that Armor Stands are not a tremendous threat and they don't need to rush to save Guards from them.

- Guards and Clerics will now coordinate their sleep schedules with their same profession to be spread across the entire day and night.

- Town Hall starter gift box will only spawn in a village with zero residents.

- Fixed Town Hall starter gift box duplication.

- Miners will get slightly less unhappy when mining.

- Miners pickaxe will be damaged less while they mine.


Version 1.0.68

- New Structure: Barracks.

- New Profession (sorta): Captain of the Guard.

- Completely reworked the druid regrowth ore generation rates. When regrowing a mineshaft two rolls are made. #1) Check to see if the Druid can regenerate ore. This is 3.5% at level 1 (the vanilla ore rates at y11). A level 100 druid will generate at 6% #2) If successful, the ore that appears will now always be distributed in line with vanilla ore generation ratios at y11.

- Reduced the 'new food' variety bonus from 6 to 2 happiness.

- Children should start playing "tag" with each other again.

- Villagers will no longer sleep if enemies have been seen near the village recently.

- Lots of changes to Necromancer. He is now immune to all damage while he controls minions. (noted by the purple skull particles)

- The necromancer will only convert a minion that he can reach via pathfinding.

- Capped and reduced the number of extra zombies and wither skeletons that spawn for necro raids on very large towns.

- Guards and Clerics will run for ALL movement AI when enemies are near. (retrieving new weapons, etc)

- Guards will now prioritize necromancer minion enemies over others.

- Cleric healing amount reduced.

- Damage done to farmer's hoe while tilling land increased.

- Nomads will now spawn every day if you have <= 3 villagers.

- The Merchant will now offer 1 quality food sale per day to small villages.

- Cleric bless effect will now update on the client correctly.

- Vanilla generated storage room chests now contain only 1 to 3 emeralds.

- The town hall will now generate a helpful starter kit one time. These items will be bound to that town hall's village and include: Storage marker, Home 2 marker, Farmer token, Lumberjack token.


Version 1.0.62

- A structure interior floor spaces must now have a solid floor at the same height as the door floor. Previously a non-collidable floor was still counted as a valid floor tiles.

- Double chests in the Storage room that have an inaccessible side should now be accessible to the villagers.

- Fixed guards not wandering to guard posts.

- Fixed Enchanters not enchanting books.

- Enchanters won't put the same enchant onto a piece of gear twice.

- Inverted the animation casting time for enchanters. The higher the enchanting skill (and therefore higher the enchants) the longer it takes to cast now.

- The Butcher's test for having an axe was incorrect. He should now make his own axe in the butcher shop if he needs one.

- Fixed localization text on butcher's new 'retrieve' AI.

- Signs on the side of chest no longer confuse the pathfinding system. (Side note: this turned out to be a vanilla minecraft bug)

- A crafting villager will not get stuck trying to craft a recipe that he can't find the 'crafting' block for.


Version 1.0.60

- New Structure: The Merchant Stall! This functions exactly like a guard post except your merchant will hang around it instead of wandering your village.

Merchants visiting a merchant stall will have two extra random trades generated for that day (if possible)

- Miners will now dig at half the previous speed, but all drops they receive are now doubled. This should make mine shaft juggling less of a hassle and make druids less urgent.

- Villagers will now only gain 1/2 hunger from non-villager food and no happiness.

- Guard health regen cut in half

- Druid tree growth effectiveness has doubled

- Druid crop growth radius is now randomized based on skill

- Enchanters have a chance to apply Mending on items again

- Only one villager will be allowed to use one crafting block at a time (crafting table, anvil, enchanting table, etc)

- Butchers will no longer kill baby animals that get into the butcher shop

- Butchers were not correctly prioritizing non-villager animals to pull from a pen. This is fixed.

- Butchers have more specific AI filters now. Retrieve Cows, Retrieve Pigs, Retrieve Chickens, Retrieve Sheep

- Happiness gained from the Bard's tavern performance lowered slightly

- Teachers will occasionally lose happiness if teaching to an empty school

- Miners, Guards, Lumberjacks, Farmers, and Butchers will get unhappy when having to craft their own tools.


Version 1.0.59

- Villagers will now pick up food any time they are hungry. Not just during work hours.

- Increased the ideal amount of food a villager will want from 2 to 3. This should hopefully reduce trips to the storage room during work hours.

- Jungle saplings should drop a little more frequently now when jungle trees are chopped by villagers.

- Teachers will attempt to visit the library every day, but for shorter sessions (when school isn't in session)

- The nomad and merchant will no longer take food from storage.

- Increased blacksmith animation 'swings' by 50% for level 1 smiths. This is to hopefully add more disparity between level 1 and level 100 smiths. More is still needed.

- Guards will now prioritize saving the village over taking a nap. We all have to make hard choices in life.

- Guards will now sleep at night again.

- Nitwits will no longer lose the skills they gained as children when converted to a profession.

- Nitwits no longer gain full intelligence as their first profession. Instead its a random value between 50% and 100% of their intelligence


Version 1.0.58

- Approaching the edge of your village boundary will now show a visible wall similar to a small world border.

- Reworked how animations are updated to the client. There should be no more animation desync. This means no more sleep walking villagers, sliding while sitting, etc

- When a villager skills up in any profession, nearby children have a small chance of also skilling up in that profession.

- Children now start with a small amount of intelligence (similar to nomads)

- Druids will no longer attempt to regrow a mineshaft if another druid is already casting on that mineshaft.

- Villagers in the tavern won't salute with their drinks unless they are already sitting.

- Bards won't perform in a tavern where another bard is already performing.

- Butcher will no longer get bonus meat if 'doMobLoot' game rule is false.

- The school will now detect a crafting table, allowing the teacher to craft name tags for 2 paper and 1 feather

- Chefs will give back 3 empty buckets when crafting cake instead of just 1.


Version 1.0.57

- Fixed bug with Cleric bless where the bonus skill would be persisted as the permanent skill.

- Fixed bug with villagers not eating undesirable food. If the estimated food 'score' of a food item was < 0, the villager wouldn't eat it.

- Bard will play in the tavern again. (unless I break it yet again likely)

- The teacher should now skill up while teaching class. Previously they only skilled up by using books in class.

- Fixed bug with item delivery that would cause villagers to not deliver all the goods that they should.

- The butcher structure will now recognize the crafting table allowing leather armor to be crafted. Oops.

- Villagers will now consider villager tools and weapons of the same material type to be better than non villager versions.

- Guards will now consider the sharpness enchantment when choosing their swords.

- Miners and Lumberjacks should choose their tools based on actual swing/chop formula now.

- Villagers will get much more sad when another villager dies.

- The Tradesman finally has a fashion sense of his own.

- Architect and Tradesman will wander the Town Hall and sit in provided chairs.

- Increased max ceiling height of structures from 15 to 30 blocks.

- Cleric will now only bless residents of the village.


Version 1.0.51

- All villagers should no longer retrieve resources or supplies from storage for AI filters that are disabled. For example, if Harvest Cow is disabled, the rancher won't need a bucket in his inventory.

- Farmers will now have more efficiency variance when harvesting and planting crops based on their skill level. This means farmer skill will be more important.

- Fixed furnaces producing non-villager items when they shouldn't. Previously items cooked when the furnace had no fuel, but still had residual burn time were coming out as non-villager.

- Non-resident villagers should no longer get hungry or eat. (merchants, nomads, etc)


Version 1.0.49

- Change the heart spawn algorithm. It shouldn't spiral out of control once your village gets over 20-30 villagers now. Also, the closer a villager is to 100 Happy, the more likely they are to spawn a Heart.

Please provide feedback on heart spawn rates one week from now.

- The architect and tradesman will once again accept more than 2 trades per item.

- Food Variety system! The happiness your villagers receive from food will now be dependent on how often they've eaten that food recently. Each villager keeps track of the last 5 foods they've eaten. When evaluating potential next meals, they check how many times the food is on that recent list. The number of times they've recently eaten that food will modify the happiness they receive from that food.

Times Eaten: Modifier 0:5 1:0 2:-3 3:-7 4:-12 5:-18 Final happiness received from eating a food can never be less than -3;

- Villagers should now persistently used the same village house.

- Reworked the day/night scheduling system a bit to be more friendly to night workers. Guards will again pick up food during their night shift.


Version 1.0.47

- Hopefully fixed bug where villagers would stand around at night instead of going home.

- Villager chickens will lay less eggs.

- Chairs are once again breakable

- Fixed bug with maxed out Miners and Lumberjacks with diamond tools and Eff4 enchants not gathering correctly.

- Animals will no longer lose hunger at night time

- Redstone now sells for stacks of 32 to the merchant

- The butcher will now pull an animal from the pen when its 75% full (instead of 100%). This should keep the butcher much busier.

- Slightly increased the chance of all unhappy effects from happening

- Decreased the rate at which the bard skills up during songs. Its was insanely fast.

- Guards should visit the library during the night

- School education has been made more important. Children that grow into adult "nitwits" will now receive their full intelligence

as initial profession skill when assigned to their first profession. For example, if a child gains 50 intelligence from school and is later converted to a Lumberjack. They will be a level 50 Lumberjack right away.


Version 1.0.46 Notes:

- Fixed bug with smelting items not giving villager items when they should.

- Lowered the frequency which Farmers will gather sugar cane


Version 1.0.44 Notes:

- Fixed bug with Teachers teaching with books.

- Redstone removed from Miner's 'bonus' ore chances.

- Villager death messages will now include the profession and location.

- Cleric Bless effect will now last 5 minutes. (up from 1 minute)

- Cleric Bless effect will now add the Cleric's full skill level to the recipients current profession skill level for the duration of the effect. (still capped at 100)

- Blessed villagers will have their modified skill drawn in green in the villager UI.

- Clerics will be less selective in who they cast bless upon.

- Clerics should now be less dumb when attempting to assist guards in combat.

- Butchers should get villager meat when killing animals with villager weapons now.

- Ranchers should give villager milk when milking a villager cow with a villager bucket.

- Ranchers should no longer clone buckets while milking.

- Villagers are now required to smelt/cook villager items with villager fuel to get villager items out.

- Lots of changes with sitting in chairs. Villagers should now remember how to use them. This applies to the tavern and school as well.


Version 1.0.43 Notes:

- Customizable AI permissions per villager!

- Enchanters will now enchant tools, weapons, and armor with random enchants which get stronger with profession level.

- Notifications for starving animals should be fixed now.

- Fixed bug with item delivery where delivery would fail and villager would get stuck in failed drop off loop.

- Villagers with no current work will wander the village more often.


Version 1.0.40 Notes:

- Fixed crash with a village having no pathable blocks.


Version 1.0.39 Notes:

- Blacksmith will make shears and iron hoes again.

- The bard should begin his evening performances in the tavern a bit earlier.

- Improved 'edge nodes' system. This is what determines where merchants, nomads, and necromancers will spawn. This also fixes a common server crash we were having.

- Villagers will regain less happiness when they wake up in the morning now.

- Necromancer should start spawning again if your town hall marker is not rotated.

- The necromancer should be less relentless now. If a villager dies, any existing necros near the village will no longer perform their abilities.

- Necromancer death cloud will only affect players now.


Version 1.0.38 Notes:

- Druids will now regrow more of a mineshaft per cast as they level up.

- Ranchers, Butchers, and Teachers will get a bit hungrier doing their jobs.

- Miners and Farmers will get less hungry doing their jobs.

- Fixed text formatting bug when reporting animal starvation messages.

- Fixed item duping bug from killing villagers.

- Butcher will now receive extra meat from butchering animals based on his skill and his tool. Between 1 and 3 pieces now.

- Nitwits can no longer produce offspring Hearts.

- Nitwits now have a hard time gaining happiness and will very slowly lose happiness.

- The merchant will no longer buy leather. However, he will now buy all 4 leather armor types.

- Druids will now randomize their daily balance between Earth Reform and Growth.

- The Merchant will buy redstone more frequently now.

- Fixed bug that might have caused butchers and guards to only attack creatures that were very close by.

- More than likely fixed the 'villagers on roof' bug. Hopefully. Finally?


Version 1.0.37 Notes:

- Another pass at the intelligence system based on feedback! Skill can once again raise above intelligence. Simply put, when skill is less than intelligence, skilling up will be very easy. As skill moves above intelligence, skilling up gets harder and harder.

- Visiting nomads will now have a bit more starting intelligence.

- Lowered the base price of the Library from 55 to 30 emeralds.

- When a necromancer dies, ALL followed minions will now die as well (not just those that were summoned)

- Butcher will now favor pulling non-villager animals from the rancher pens before villager animals.

- Reduced Necromancer spawn rates. Again.

- Tradesman, Architect, and Nomads were mistakenly counted toward your village population. This has been fixed.

- Tripled the amount of emeralds that the Necromancer drops. (Now level * 3)

- Guards will now pick up emeralds on the ground and deliver them to storage.

- If you want to opt out of necromancer raids on your village, rotate your town hall marker.

- jfxtr.jar is no longer needed in your mod folder.


Version 1.0.36 Notes:

- Villagers are aware when their tools break and will now go fetch a new one.

- Fixed issue where a failed item delivery could cause a villager to get stuck.


Version 1.0.35 Notes:

- Fix for intelligence 0 issues.


Version 1.0.32 Notes:

- Important Intelligence change: A villager's skill in any profession can not exceed their current intelligence.

- Teachers have been significantly improved. They will increase child intelligence faster while in school. Especially by using books.

- Cooked meats have become much more profitable to sell to the merchant.

- Leather now sells for more with the merchant.

- Wool prices at the merchant have been slashed.

- The merchant no longer buys iron ore.

- Diamond equipment sells for 1/3 less with the merchant.

- Armor worn by villagers will lose durability faster now.

- Lumberjacks will skill up faster now.

- Butcher, Bard, and Rancher will skill up slower.


Version 1.0.31 Notes:

- Fixed crash associated to Necro minion flocking.


Version 1.0.30 Notes:

- Guards will no longer attack players at all.

- Guards once again remembered how to do their super whammy jammy Thor attack.

- When villagers die, they will no longer drop 'ghost' items that can't be picked up.

- Merchants and Nomads should be able to use doors now (for real this time?)

- Farmers will no longer break dirt blocks that are next to tillable farmland.

- Fixed some of the drop off/pick up numbers for Farmers. They should travel to storage less.

- Miners will make less trips to storage now.

- Druids will earth reform all forms of ores and coal now. As they level, diamonds will become more common.


Version 1.0.29 Notes:

- Blacksmith will use his blacksmith skill to craft things. Not miner. Thanks cut and paste.

- Lumberjack will deliver things to the storage again.

- Blacksmith had a typo in his coal needs. He should share a bit better now.

- The enchanter will now craft double the paper and books before stopping.


Version 1.0.26 Notes:

- Players will now have a better warning when a Necromancer spawns outside a nearby village.

- Guards now deal extra bonus damage that increases with their level.

- Necromancers will drop 1 emerald for each power level. (temporary, something more interesting will come later)

- Villagers drop all of their items upon death.

- Necromancer will no longer summon more zombies if there are (Level*2) within 30 meters already. (This is an extra safety limiter on top of ones already in place)

- Fixed bug that wasn't allowing guards to attack at their intended speed. They now swing faster.


Version 1.0.24 Notes:

- Forgot some log file spamming that needed to be removed.


Version 1.0.23 Notes:

- HUGE HUGE update (complete rewrite) of all villager item delivery and pickup systems.

The new system should be 1) MUCH more friendly on the server (no more constant storage room inventory scans) and 2) more consistent and less error prone. Every villager has a certain set of item wants and desires now. Anything that doesn't fulfill those will automatically be delivered to storage.

- Since this is a complete rewrite, ALL existing issues reported on the issue tracker that are related to villagers picking up or dropping off items will now be marked invalid.

- There WILL be new bugs with this. Please watch your villagers closely. Watch what they pick up and drop off. They should be much 'smarter' now as well.

- If you submit a bug related to item pick up or delivery you MUST include a screenshot of the villagers current inventory.


- The amount of wool a rancher can shear from a sheep is now determined by their Rancher skill.

- Beetroot soup now returns a wooden bowl to the consumer.

- A bunch of other stuff I likely forgot while changing everything.

- Merchants still don't buy colored wool. I'm a jerk.

Also...Also... - Necromancer


Version 1.0.21 Notes:

- Lumberjacks will now also destroy excess oak saplings.

- One villager per chair please.


Version 1.0.19 Notes:

-Druid growth radius on crops reduced.

- The tavern visitors will once again be able to find chairs.

- Nitwits can be converted to a profession again.

- Lumberjacks will now destroy any individual type of sapling in their inventory in excess of 60.

- Miners will now only generate "bonus" ore when mining smooth stone.

- Enchanters will once again deliver enchanted items to storage - Some pathfinding optimizations.


Version 1.0.18 Notes:

- Zombie Pigmen will no longer attack villagers.

- Monster spawns have increased on What If 1.

- Villagers now report the actual damage they have taken after armor and absorption.

- Villagers converted from a nitwit will now be granted an initial skill boost in their profession based on the nitwits education level.

- Blacksmith will now deliver charcoal to storage room and will stop smelting charcoal when storage has 16.

- Intelligence gained from reading in the library has been greatly reduced. Chance to gain intelligence decreases with higher intelligence.

- The druid levels up much slower from casting Growth.

- Heart items spawn rate decreased.

- Druids should no longer cast Earth Reform when a player is inside the tunnel.

- Architect and Tradesman will no longer lock their trades after 7.

- Lumberjacks should no longer plant saplings at the base of an existing tree. (Not 100% positive on this one. Let me know if you see it still!)

- Shift-clicking on a Merchant or double trading will no longer cause a client crash.

- Villagers will now stop when you inspect them.

- Merchants can no longer be converted to a profession when shift-clicking with a profession token.

- Increased merchant trade appearance chances for wool and redstone.

- Extra redstone 'bonus' rate from Miners decreased.

- Merchants have once again gained door-opening technology.

- Lumberjacks will no longer deliver saplings to storage. They will stop picking them up when they have a good amount.

- Chefs will now deliver cooked chicken to storage

- Chefs will now receive an empty bucket when crafting cake. (from the milk bucket)

- Chefs will now deliver empty buckets to storage.

- Fixed Rancher missing texture thought - Guards will no longer attack players if accidentally hit.

- Druids will no longer Earth Reform on tunnels less than 3 blocks in length.

- Iron and Snow golems will now attack the Necromancer.

- Structure and Profession tokens no longer stack.

- Chests should no longer stay open sometimes when a villager drops off or picks up items.


Version 1.0.17 Notes:

- Fixed bed scanning on home interiors.


Version 1.0.16 Notes:

- Children should now grow up more consistently.

- Fixed issue with villagers freezing because they are trying to path to floating storage chests/furnaces.

- Miners will stop taking charcoal from a furnace once they have 8.

- Despite their love of education, school will no longer go through the night.

- Miners should no longer dig a tunnel to a location they can't walk. (max tunnel length shortened by 1 block)

- Fixed issue with structure markers not being scanned "on time" and being very delayed.

- The beer item should now have a name.