Tektopia has several commands that were created to help with the debugging process. They can only be accessed if you are OP.

/village animals

Turns all animals within 15 blocks into villager animals.

/village edges

Briefly creates glowing armor stands at potential spawn locations for village visitors.

/village goto <id>

Teleport to an entity by its Id.

/village graph 1/0

Enable/disable the village pathing graph overlay (pictured).

/village happy #

Modify the happiness of all villagers within 12 blocks by #.

/village hunger #

Modify the hunger of all villagers within 12 blocks by #.

If standing inside an animal pen, modify all animals inside the pen by #.

/village intelligence <#>

Modify the intelligence of villagers within 6 blocks by #. Must be positive.

/village item

Converts the active hotbar item into a green villager item.

/village kill

Kills every villager in the current village.

/village level #

Every villager within 3 blocks gains # levels in their current profession.

/village nearby

Reports any existing nearby villages to the player's current position.

/village populate #

Spawns a large variety of villagers inside the town hall. Each will be around level # in the profession. Kills all existing villagers beforehand.

/village raid #

Spawn a necromancer raid of # power. # should roughly be the population of the village that can handle the raid difficulty.

/village report <homes|happy|hunger|economy|levels>

Runs a global world report on all loaded villages of the category specified. Results are output into log files.

homes - What villagers live in each home.

happy - How happy are the villagers, grouped by range.

hunger - How hungry are the villagers, grouped by range.

economy - Show the current economic values of items and sales history.

levels - Shows the average skill level of each profession.

/village start

Gives the player a new town hall and storage structure token.