The Guard patrols and protects the Village from hostile intruders.


Melee Combat

The Guard can sense a threat to the village no matter where they are. When a fellow villager calls for help or when the Guard senses danger themselves, they'll go sprinting over and being attack with their sword.

When a Guard swings their sword, it lowers their hunger, damages their sword, and has a chance of increasing their skill level. As usual, the damage and rate of attack scale with the Guard's skill.

The Guard also possesses knockback resistance against their enemies. The higher skill level they are, the harder it is for mobs to push the guard back.

Leaping Attack

When a Guard is surrounded by enemies they will leap high into the air and and come slamming down on hostile mobs. The frequency and strength of this attack is dependent on the guard's level.


When the Guard see the player they will often turn and salute acknowledging the players presence. This has a small chance of increasing the Guard's Happiness.

Upgrade Gear

If better gear is available in the Storage building than what they are currently wearing the Guard will go over and upgrade their equipment.

Guards will also take enchants into consideration when choosing their gear.

Pic courtesy of MooseTheGoose1
Pic courtesy of MooseTheGoose1

Craft Items

If the Guard's sword breaks and there isn't a replacement in the Storage building the Guard will craft their own wooden sword.

Patrol Guard Post

If a Guard Post has been placed in town, the Guard will patrol around it. If multiple Guard Posts are set up the Guard will patrol between them if there are fewer Guards than Guard Posts. When there are an equal number of Guards and Guard Posts, each Guard will station themselves near one Guard Post. If there are more Guards than Guard posts, the extra Guards will patrol the Village as they normally would..

Pic courtesy of nerdymindnyc
Pic courtesy of Caableguy

Patrol Village

If there is no Guard Post available, or there are more Guards than the number of Guard Posts, the Guard will randomly patrol throughout the Village visiting locations that other Villagers have previously visited.

Protect Village

When trouble approaches, the Guard will be notified by one of the other Villagers if they are under attack from a hostile mob. This causes the Guard to sprint towards that location to defend the village.

When choosing targets, Guards will prioritize Necromancer minion enemies over others.


Guards are the only Villager that has a health boost based on skill level and a slow health regeneration. Like all Villagers, they start with 20 health, but as the Guard skills up, they will increase their maximum health. At level 100, their health pool will cap out at 35.

captain of the guard

The Captain of the Guard is a special profession that you can add to a single guard in your village once you have a Barracks.

The Captain of the Guard will always have wings on their helmet and regular Guards will salute the Captain.

When the Captain is fighting, they have a chance to trigger an Aura of Courage that gives Resistance 1 to all nearby Guards. The Aura radius scales with the Captain's Guard skill level.

Associated Villager

Related Structures

Creates better armor and swords for the Guard

Helps defend the village by healing the guards

Sets patrol areas for the Guard

Houses and trains Guards.