The blacksmith turns iron and diamonds into useful tools, weapons, and armor for your villagers. Their products are also quite valuable when sold to the Merchant.


The Blacksmith works in the Smithy and performs a wide variety of tasks to keep their furnaces fueled and their anvil ringing.

Furnace Fuel

The Blacksmith will try to always maintain a small supply of fuel to keep their furnaces lit. If coal isn't available, they will pick up logs from storage and smelt those into charcoal.


When any gold or iron ore is available in storage, they will pick it up and smelt it into bars. Gold bars will be returned to storage while the iron may be held onto for future crafting.

Crafting at the Anvil

If the materials are available, the Blacksmith can head over to the anvil and craft the following products using the vanilla recipes. Generally speaking, they will craft diamond items before iron items if the diamonds are available.

  • Diamond Sword
  • Diamond Boots
  • Diamond Chest
  • Diamond Leggings
  • Diamond Helmet
  • Diamond Axe
  • Diamond Pick
  • Iron Axe
  • Iron Pick
  • Iron Sword
  • Iron Hoe
  • Bucket
  • Shears
  • Iron Boots
  • Iron Chests
  • Iron Leggings
  • Iron Helmet

Only one Blacksmith may craft at an anvil at a time. All products will be delivered to storage after crafting.

Crafting Torches

The Blacksmith will also craft torches from sticks and coal/charcoal if there are less than 64 in storage. This helps keeps the miners in the mines and less time crafting their needed torches.

Associated VILLAGERs

Supplies ores for smelting. Uses Pick axes for mining

Uses axes to chop trees. Supplies logs for charcoal

Uses armor and weapons to defend village

Uses buckets and shears to harvest animals

Enchants armor made by the blacksmith

Uses hoes to farm crops