Transformational learning & thinking 

What is it?

This is an educational theory that involves a change or transformation of a learner's core 'perspectives'.  These perspectives shape the way we think and behave. The changes can be related to assumptions, inferences, beliefs and premises. Another name for these perspectives could be 'schemas', models or scripts. 

The learner may not be aware of these existing perspectives. 

Transactional learning involves exchanges without transformation of core perspectives. 


Try and create space/moments for the learner perspective to be questioned. 

Professory Jack Mezirow 

Disorientating dilemmas 

Disorienting dilemmas are commonly seen as an integral part of transformative learning. Within Mezirow’s model of an ideal-typical learning process, a disorienting dilemma represents the initiation of a transformative learning experience usually denoting a life crisis that triggers a questioning of assumptions, resulting in transformed beliefs (Taylor, 2000) 

Transformation of what?

This could be 

Transformation as a change 

The change could be in the breadth and or depth  

Bloom's taxonomy and transformation 

More significant changes happen higher up in the pyramid

Perceptual sets 

Allport (1955) defined perceptual set as: 'A perceptual bias or predisposition or readiness to perceive particular features of a stimulus.'


What is NOT transformational?


Simple acquisition of facts

Benefits and risks of transformational learning 

Transformational learning is hard. To achieve this requires more skills, knowledge, effort and time (in general). 

Transformational learning leads to a broader and deeper learning experience 

Transformational learning is more complex for both the learner and educator.  This means it requires more expertise. 

It requires the right time and moment (Kairos) 

The outcomes are more unpredictable. It does not necessarily lead to transformation. 

Identifying a learner's hidden perspective can be difficult

Determining the right alternative perspectives is challenging 

Questions, Uncertainties and issues 

Who decides? Do we need to get consent to enter a transformational learning experience?

Related ideas 

Frames of reference 

Habits of mind 

Point of view