The finishing line by Zaynab

Zaynab Mustafa

Year 1 Medical student, Barts


MedSoc Reflective Piece 1 Brainstorm .pdf
Zaynab Mustafa MedSoc reflection 1.pdf

Medical school is not the finish line. It's the start of a new journey

Commentary by X | @rali2100 - Linkedin|R Ali

The student had expectations of medical school prior to attending, but those expectations changed quickly. They initially thought that choosing a speciality was important to do from an early stage, but now understand that it's better to gain experience with different specialities first. They also found that studying in libraries was an intimidating experience, and so they preferred to study in other settings.

The student's identity has also changed since becoming a medical student. They are now met with the assumption that they are already a doctor and can answer medical questions, despite being in their first year. They are also viewed as a responsible adult, rather than a child.

The student concludes by describing a surreal experience they had when introducing themselves as a medical student for the first time. This made them realize how being a medical student has become an integral part of their identity.

The student's experience of transitioning to medical school relates to several ideas in medicine

Tensions and dilemmas 

Tension between expectations and reality: The student had certain expectations of medical school prior to attending, such as the importance of choosing a specialty early on and spending lots of time in libraries. However, they have come to realize that medical school is much more than just academics, and that it is important to develop professional skills such as responsibility and communication. They have also learned that it is not necessary to choose a specialty right away, and that it is important to gain experience of different specialties before making a decision.

Dilemma of identity change: The student describes how their identity has changed since becoming a medical student. They are now met with the assumption that they are already a doctor and can answer medical questions, despite being in their first year. They are also viewed as a responsible adult, rather than a child. This change in identity can be challenging to navigate, as the author must balance the expectations of others with their own personal development.

Tension between work-life balance and academic demands: Medical school is a demanding program, and it can be difficult to maintain a work-life balance. The student describes how they have had to learn how to manage their time effectively and to prioritize their tasks. They have also had to learn how to say no and to take care of themselves.

Dilemma of navigating professional relationships: Medical students interact with a variety of professionals, including professors, clinical instructors, and other students. The student describes how they have had to learn how to navigate these relationships in a professional manner. This has included learning how to communicate effectively, how to give and receive feedback, and how to resolve conflict.


Chang, L., Eliasz, K.L., Cacciatore, D.T. and Abigail Ford Winkel (2020). The Transition From Medical Student to Resident: A Qualitative Study of New Residents’ Perspectives. Academic Medicine, [online] 95(9), pp.1421–1427. doi:

‌Eric Nkansah Opoku, Lee‐Ann Jacobs‐Nzuzi Khuabi and Lana van Niekerk (2021). Exploring the factors that affect the transition from student to health professional: an Integrative review. BMC Medical Education, [online] 21(1). doi:

The formation of professional identity in medical students: Considerations for educators. (2023). Medical Teacher. [online] doi:

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