Planning and delivering a learning(teaching) encounter 

Use GNOME (simple) or AILMENTs (complex)

Example of a structure 

Kettle boiling breakout 

Large group: debrief, introductions, the outline of the event 



Large group debrief

Summary and close 

Humanise the learning experience 

Establish psychological safety 

“a shared belief held by members of a team that the team 

is safe for interpersonal risk-taking.

Amy Edmondson 

Achieve equal voice 

Breakouts allow more people to engage in discussion 

House rules 

Ensure engagement and interaction 

Remember that 'presence' is voluntary. 

Build better breakouts 

Breakouts create interaction, engagement and equal voice. They can also achieve psychological safety 

Avoid zoom fatigue 

The Authenticity of the task (fidelity)