Case: herbal treatment and liver toxicity

We should take a history of over-the-counter medical and herbal medication use. Even if a patient does not mention taking herbal medicines, it is important to ask. Many herbal medicines can interact with prescription drugs and cause serious side effects, even death.

Haydn Owen Jones, a retired electrician, was a fighter. He had beaten multiple myeloma once, but the cancer had returned. He was determined to beat it again.

This time, however, Mr. Jones faced a new challenge. He was also taking a herbal remedy containing mistletoe, yarrow, and lily of the valley. He was not aware that this herbal remedy could interact with his chemotherapy drugs and damage his liver.

The combination of the herbal remedy and the chemotherapy drugs proved to be too much for Mr. Jones's body. He died from liver failure.

Mr. Jones's death was a tragic reminder that even seemingly harmless herbal remedies can interact with prescription drugs and cause serious side effects. It is important for patients to talk to their doctor about all of the medications they are taking, including over-the-counter and herbal medications. The coroner called for clearer leaflets for chemotherapy patients about the risks of herbal medicines.

Examples of interactionsÂ