Co-creating in teams 

Increasing work involves collaboration in teams between different people, and systems that come together for a short project (teaming). There are many related ideas around how to work effectively in this new world of 'teaming'. This page will capture what ideas have worked for me to enable 'teaming' for creative work. 

My top tips 

You can use this as a checklist. The ideas were taken from pedagogy, design, psychological safety, and teaming. Also a bit of organisational development. 

Establish systems to share resources, keep up-to-date and follow what's going on. This means 

Set up a shared folder:  For example, I use google drive and enable sharing. 

Set up a shared social media/messaging system: Whatsapp is the 'king' but others work well. eg Teams. 

Set up a shared key document to edit, and add ideas. 

Set up the meetings

Clarify and write down who your users are

The end-user

The team and stake-holders as users 

Establish and agree on common vision/values 

This is your compass north. Write this down. Modify if agreed. Framing this as a question (how might we) mobilises the mind. 

Achieve alignment with the vision/values. GNOME is brilliant here. see The Elegant GNOME 

Prioritise learning 

Lots of ways to do this. My favourite ones are 

My experience of pedagogy  

Pedagogy for teaching, learning and workshops 

What makes effective pedagogy? 

VALUE acronym

Related ideas