Pedagogy for teaching, learning and workshops: Collection

Here you will find a summary of pedagogical ideas to consider in your teaching (or learning) encounter planning 

Core ideas

Provide learning experiences/opportunities 

Bandura & social learning theory 

Experiential learning (Kolb)

Achieve constructive alignment (biggs) & use GNOME

Curriculum design 

Recognise and activate prior learning 

Use prior knowledge (Dewey) 

Support learners to construct their knowledge: constructivism 

Learners construct their knowledge (Dewey) 

Develop models, scripts and schemas 

Increase interaction, engagement and active learning 

Increase interaction (Dewey) 

Retrieval practice

Inquiry-based learning 

Create authentic experiences (increase fidelity) 

Challenging and supporting learners 

Learn at the edge or zone of proximal development (Vygotsky)

Use scaffolding (Vygotsky) & the goldilocks zone 

Leverage the more knowledgeable other (Vygotsky) 

Provide role models (Bandura) 

Worked-example effect & expertise reversal effect 

Consider transformational (versus transactional) learning by changing assumptions & beliefs

Support questions, curiosity and growth 

Use silence 

Uncertainty and cognitive dissonance 

Reduce cognitive load (Sweller)

Use Cognitive theory of multimedia learning (Mayer) 

Instructional design 

Support learning in the social environment 

Use the social environment for learning (Dewey, Bandura) 

Observe others (Bandura)

Achieve psychological safety

Team-based learning 

Think, pair and share 

Breakouts and kettle boiling 


Situated learning (peripheral participation to centre) 

Be learner-centred 

Learning needs or learner needs 

Learners should be at the centre (Dewey) 

Humanistic learning theory 

Chronos and kairos learning 


Provide feedback and support reflection 

Cognitive learning theory 


Other approaches 

Alternative-based learning 

Design-based learning 

Gain empathy

Observation, immersion, interview, ideation, prototyping

Leadership-based learning 

Vision, values, victories, voices, vulnerabilities

Remote learning 

Flipped classroom 

Blended learning 

Hybrid learning 


Purpose, outcome, teach & test strategy


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