GMC & Ethics

Learning material from GMC 

Include cases studies 

Key Reference materials 

GMP in action - case materials 

How does confidentiality apply to my placements? It’s normal to want to talk about things you have seen on clinical placements with colleagues or friends. You’ll see unusual medical conditions and may be put in situations where patients experience adverse outcomes. But you must never disclose patient identifiable information without a patient’s consent.* If you’re not sure what to share if you’re asked to provide information for an inquiry or logbook, you should ask for advice before you disclose any information. You should also make sure you never discuss patients in a public place or on social media. Even if you don’t mention a patient by name, there’s a chance that someone nearby (or online, if you’re on social media) might know whom you are talking about. If you do want to talk to a colleague, friend or supervisor about what you have seen on a placement, you should only do that in a private place. And you shouldn’t mention the patient by name, except to a clinician directly involved in their care.