Case: Ambulance delays in a patient with raised blood pressure

tags: ethics 

Dr. AB is a general practitioner in a busy urban practice. It is Friday evening, and the surgery is about to close. Dr. AB is finishing up with his last patient when the phone rings. It is the receptionist, telling him that a 55-year-old man named Mr. DF has just arrived at the practice with raised blood pressure and shortness of breath. Mr. DF's blood pressure is 190/144 mmHg, and he is feeling very anxious.

Dr. AB knows that this is a serious situation. Mr. DF is at risk of a stroke or heart attack. He also knows that the ambulance service is very busy on Friday evenings, and it may be some time before they arrive.

Dr. AB decides to see Mr. DF himself. He examines Mr. DF and finds that he has no other obvious signs of a heart attack or stroke. However, Dr. AB is concerned about Mr. DF's raised blood pressure and shortness of breath.
