Case: SOB and vapes 

PC: Shortness of breath

History of Present Illness: A 30-year-old male presents with shortness of breath (SOB) for 3 days. He reports having a cough and runny nose 2 weeks ago, which resolved spontaneously. Three days ago, he began to feel SOB, which has been gradually worsening. He denies fever, pleuritic chest pain, orthopnea, or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea. He also denies any other associated symptoms, such as leg swelling, abdominal pain, or headache.

The patient reports that he changed his vape device 3 days ago, and he is wondering if this could be the cause of his SOB. He also has a history of anxiety, but he is not sure if this is causing his symptoms. He reports having one episode of palpitations that lasted for one minute.

Past Medical History: Anxiety

Social History: Smokes vape

Family History: Non-contributory

Physical Examination:
