The Hidden Agenda by Maya Kieralla

As a result, she turned to the GP for help and asked him if there was any way he could offer his support. This hidden agenda is illustrated by the two facial expressions displaying how the patient is externally satisfied in conversing about their original problem, which was the cause of their consultation, yet behind this exterior they have another concern they want to address.

Maya Kieralla

Year 2 Medical student at Barts



Tutor notes 

When people meet (patient, educator and professionals), it's important to clarify and agree on the agenda. Sometimes these are obvious (two friends meeting, patient attending a diabetic review). Hidden agendas can present challenges. What is hidden, who is it hidden from and why? On the surface, it may not matter. Hidden agendas can lead to an encounter between people like an invincible force. To ensure that the correct paths are taken, it's important to be aware of hidden agendas.  


Who is responsible for sharing the hidden agenda? If a doctor doesn't identify the hidden agenda and something goes wrong who is responsible?

Does the reason for hiding the agenda matter? 

What if the patient is not aware of the hidden agenda that they bring to the consultation? How do we manage these?

Can there be benefits to a hidden agenda? What are the other risks?

What role does bias play in this and can it lead to medical errors?