Poem by Arjun 2024

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Created:  during Near Peer SSC placement. 

The educator’s journey

By  Arjun Dasgupta

Year 5 Medical student at QMUL (Barts and The London) 


Oh no, please don’t ask me,

Eyes cast down, maybe he’ll leave me be.

Sir, I’m afraid I wasn’t at the lecture,

My response would be pure conjecture.


Okay, this time I’ll do my best if she asks,

Pretty sure I completed all of the tasks.

Still a bit nervous about public speaking,

Hands are sweating, anxiety peaking.


Pick me, pick me, I know the answer,

Hand shoots up like a back-up dancer.

I got 100% on the pre-lecture test,

Surely ask me before asking the rest.


Here I am, stood at the front of the room,

Bored, tired faces marking my impending doom.

No, come on, I’ve worked hard on this,

Signs of improvement from last time hard to miss.


Finally feeling confident and assured,

Mind ready, sharp like a sword.

I wonder if they know how scared I used to be,

Now presenting at a conference, look at me!


These verses encapsulate what it means to teach

On any given day, none of these feelings are beyond my reach

All I ask is that at the end of the day

At least one student learns from what I have to say

Commentary by RA 

A Student's Transformation into an Educator

This poem transcends a simple list of medical education topics. It uses the journey metaphor to illustrate the continuous growth experienced by educators. We witness the student's transformation from a nervous learner to a confident teacher.

Self-Efficacy: From Doubt to Confidence

The poem beautifully captures the development of self-efficacy, a core concept in Albert Bandura's social cognitive theory. Initially, the student doubts their ability to teach effectively 

"Eyes cast down, maybe he’ll leave me be". 

As they progress, however, their belief in their teaching skills flourishes

"Finally feeling confident and assured". 

This aligns with the purpose of self-efficacy: fueling motivation and effort. Students (and educators!) with high self-efficacy are more likely to believe in their ability to learn and teach, leading to a greater willingness to tackle challenges and persevere through difficulties

"I got 100% on the pre-lecture test, Surely ask me before asking the rest"

Teacher Identity: Embracing the Role

Furthermore, the poem portrays the blossoming of a teacher identity. The student sheds the skin of a passive learner and embraces the role of an educator 

''These verses encapsulate what it means to teach''. 

This resonates with sociological theories of socialisation, where individuals internalize the expectations associated with different roles in society.

Growth Mindset: A Journey of Improvement

The poem also highlights the concept of a growth mindset. Here, intelligence and ability are viewed as malleable, not fixed. The student's transformation highlights the continuous learning and improvement inherent in the educator's journey

"Signs of improvement from last time hard to miss"

This growth mindset is crucial for educators, as it allows them to embrace challenges, experiment with new teaching methods, and ultimately foster a love of learning in their students.

By exploring these educational theories, we gain a deeper appreciation for the poem's message. It's not just about the content of medical education, but about the personal growth and transformation of the educator themselves.