Week Planner

create a foundation - plan your week

When we have a lot to do, it can feel overwhelming. 

It can seem that there is not enough time in a day, or days in the week to finish everything that needs to be done.

This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, hopelessness.

Don't despair!  There is help! 

Create a week planner

A week planner is a foundation to support the structure of your week.  

It will be what you aim for.

When life gets in the way of doing things when they are scheduled, it also gives you information so you know when you can reschedule. It gives you control. 

It helps you put together the puzzle pieces of your week. 

This can change as life events change - new semester, new job, new baby.

Then you make a new Week Schedule. 

Below is a form that you might like to use to create your Week Schedule.

Put in the times based on when the earliest you have to wake up.

Add everything that you need to do during a week - classes, work, family responsibilities, eating, time for yourself, etc.  

You can use colors to indicate types of what the event is - Blue for school, yellow for work or different colors for each class.  You choose. 

If you would like to print a paper copy,

click below to access a PDF version of the 

Steps to Success Handout.

Week Planner.pdf

You also can use an Excel spreadsheet or Google Sheets to create your Week Schedule, which makes it easier to modify. 

Watch the video below for

step-by-step instructions about how to complete 

a week Planner.

To go to Monthly Calendars, 

Click below.