Study Groups

Studying in a group gives you the opportunity to figure out what you don’t know - and what you do know. 

It also helps you pick up things you missed in class. 

This allows you to focus your remaining study time on topics you don't know, making your studying more efficient and saving you time in the long run.

Here are some tips that may help you conduct a more productive study group session.

•	Members. A good size is 3-5 members. Maximum size for a group is 10. Choose members you like and respect.  •	Time. 1-3 hours (with breaks every 30 minutes or so).  •	Place. Reserve a classroom, meeting room in a library, or another place where you will not be disturbed and will not disturb others. If you need internet access, make sure that is available.  •	Focus. This can be preparing for a class, reviewing material from a class, or studying for a test, depending upon your group needs.

Creating and using a structured format during the meeting helps maintain focus 

and makes sure that everything that needs to be covered is covered.

Check out the pages below for information about creating and maintaining a study group!

More Information - Diving Deeper Videos

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Muhlenberg College's The Nuts and Bolts of Study Groups Video

Studyign's How to Study in Groups Video