Online Classes

Already in Online Classes?

Considering Online Classes?

Online classes are a convenient alternative to traditional classroom learning, but don’t expect it to be easier or take less time and effort.

Before signing up for an online class: 

* Make sure that you have reliable access to a computer and the internet. If not, some buildings like the ATC have computers you can use.  For information contact Pierpont's Information Technology (IT) at

* NOTE:  Chromebooks don't work with many of the online programs that some of Pierpont's classes use, so access to a different brand of computer (ex., HP, Dell) might be needed.

* Check libraries in your area.  Coffee shops sometimes have internet, but know that they are usually not secure.  

* Check with the instructor to make sure that you have everything that is needed to access the class, complete assignments/tests, and upload information. 

* Learn how to send/receive e-mails, use the web, store/ retrieve files, and upload/download files from the internet BEFORE the class begins.    

Overall, you should be proactive, quickly reporting and following up on any type of problems and issues. 

If you need regular access to an instructor to ask questions, then online classes might not be the best fit for you.

Disability Accommodations for Online Classes

If you had an IEP or 504 Plan in high school

or if you believe that you might have a disability 

that might affect your performance in online classes,

you might qualify for online class accommodations.

Contact Support Services - Office of Disability Services    304-534-7878

More Information - Diving Deeper Videos

Click on the image to watch the video. It will redirect you to

If you need more information

or would like to have a personal meeting with a coach,

in-person or by video chat, 

contact us at: 

or call 304-534-7878

If you're having a technology issue, contact Pierpont's Information Technology (IT) department. 

(304) 333-3731 or