
Finding the Motivation to Pursue and Finish Your Education

1. Focus on each step.

Focus on each step of the application process, each learning objective, assignment, project, and course. Celebrate small wins and accomplishments on your way to your goal.

2.  Visualize your goals. 

Picture your framed diploma hanging on your wall, or wearing your cap and gown, crossing the stage at commencement.

3.  Remember why you are doing this.

Whatever it is, a more meaningful job, paying off bills, buying a house, having a child, keep that in the front of your mind. 

4.  Talk to yourself. 

Be gritty. Remind yourself that you’ve got this! Believe in yourself.

5. Move into a growth mindset.

With time and effort, we can change our abilities and intelligence.  This is due to brain plasticity.   

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