
Organization during college is essential for success. 

Using the tips and information provided in this section, you will be on your way to a more organized college experience.

10 Steps to Organization at College 1.	Declutter your work area - Clear your work surface that can distract you from what needs to be done. Staying tidy takes a fraction of the time you will waste if distracted. 2.	Allow enough desk space - Allow enough desk space to work comfortably on one assignment or project at a time without distraction. 3.	Use a calendar - Use one calendar to track all important reminders, notes, tasks, assignments, and even social events. 4.	Create a master list - Create a master list on paper or computer that prioritizes and updates every pending assignment or projects; use whatever method holds your attention. 5.	Avoid interruptions - Avoid interruptions that can rob you of time and momentum. When a project or assignment requires social attention, escape to a quiet area to work more effectively. 6.	Delegate tasks - Delegate tasks when you can, since trying to everything can be overwhelming. 7.	Think before keeping paper - Most of what you keep for later use won't be needed again. The "OHIO Rule" reduces clutter and makes organization easier: "Only Handle It Once." 8.	Stop collecting - The more you have, the more time you need to manage it. If it hasn't been used in a reasonable period of time, get rid of it. 9.	Know your personal limits - Know your personal limits and say "no" when you need to. 10.	Plan for the next day - Planning what really must get done - and how and when to do it - can help you know how to spend your time and energy, as well as minimize anxiety about deadlines.
Benefits of Organization 1.	You don’t miss deadlines. - The beginning of the semester is a great time to develop an organizational plan before deadlines and due dates are in full swing, so you don't experience those "oops" moments. 2.	You feel less stressed. - When you're less stressed, you are able to focus your energy and attention on more important things... like studying! 3.	You have more free time. - If you have things organized, you don't have to worry about forgetting a deadline, and you can plan for social events by accomplishing your assignments and studying early! 4.	You can prepare in advance. - As a college student, there are inevitably weeks when multiple tests occur or various projects are due, especially around midterms and finals. When this occurs, it's even more important to have a plan, so you can prioritize your study time and start studying enough in advance to be prepared for all your classes without the need for ineffective late night cramming.


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