
Chunking refers to the process of taking individual pieces of information (chunks) and grouping them into larger units. 

By grouping each piece into a larger whole, you can improve the amount of information you can remember. 

Our memories cannot remember long lists of numbers or words. To help us remember, we can group them in an understandable (rational) way. This is called chunking, and it uses our brain's pattern recognition ability.

Our society already uses this to help us remember phone numbers and credit card numbers. 

How to Use Chunking to Study:

Memorizing Vocabulary

This infographic shows the steps to use chunking in studying. 1. Create a list of words that need remembered. 2. Identify the chunks by creating groups of words that naturally connect with each other. 3. Memorize the definitions of words. 4. Memorize the chunks by writing them out without looking at your original list.

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Sprouts's Chunking: Learning Technique for Better Memory