Study Skills

Study smarter, not harder! 

Studying for a test begins on the first day of class.

Don't wait for the day before a test to begin studying. 

Taking good notes using the 3-step method, asking questions, and researching to make sure you understand as you are learning new material, and regular reviewing are key to effective studying.

If you want to get help putting together a study technique for your studying,

contact Support Services to Connect with a Coach.


You have many options about how to study and learn.  

You might use different study techniques depending on the type of material you are learning and how familiar you are with it.  Something might work for one topic, but not another. 

You may already have something that works well for you.  You may want to make changes to make your studying more efficient. 

As you study, keep in mind the way we remember information and use that to maximize the times and ways you study. 

Check out the information, videos, and links below. 

By actively developing good study skills and learning strategies, you will keep your motivation high and achieve your goals more easily and more efficiently. 

•	Study skills.  o	Learning study skills will not only help you in college, they also will help you succeed in life.  o	Good study skills can increase your confidence, competence and self- esteem, which can decrease anxiety about tests and deadlines.  o	Using effective study skills may help you feel that your work and effort is more worthwhile.  o	Good study skills can improve your ability to learn and retain knowledge.  o	Better study skills can cut down the number of hours spent studying, so you have more time for other things in your life.

Self-Help Videos

To check out our Self-Help Videos module on Study Skills,   

click the button below. 

Informational Resources

To learn more about study skills, click on the links below!

Memory aids include things like making a rhyme or making a new word from the first letters of words in a phrase. 

Study and learning aids are using things like flashcards and quizzes or using audio books to help study.

Study Technique

25-Minute Study Periods

-Pomodoro Technique-

If you didn't get what you needed in the class lecture

More Information - Diving Deeper

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

College Info Geek's The Most Powerful Way to Remember What You Study Video

College Info Geek's Study With Me - A 25 Minute Pomodoro Session Video