Memory Aids

Do you find that you have trouble remembering things like your grocery list or the formulas for your math exam? 

Memory aids (mnemonics) have been shown to help with this. Studies find that using mnemonics can increase test scores up to 77%! 

Mnemonic memory aids are any learning techniques that help us remember things better. 

Below are several mnemonics that can be used alone or combined with other mnemonic techniques to increase your memory. 

Acronyms are words or abbreviations that are formed from the first letters of other words.

You create a scene in your mind and visualize the things that you need to remember located in places in the scene.

Associative Imagery.  These associate an image with characters or objects whose names sound like the item that has to be memorized.

Find or create a song that contains the information that you need to remember.

A way of remembering information by separating it into small groups or chunks.  

This connects something new to something that you already know.

This uses cues, rhymes, and images to remember how to spell words.

Effective to link two pieces of information. Good for remembering definitions and words. This has two steps, find a key word and associated it with a picture.

This involves thinking about the meaning of the term to be remembered, instead of simply repeating it to yourself, then associating it with something you already know.

Find or create a poem that helps you remember specific information.

This creates mental associations between items to be remembered and items that you already associate with numbers, sometimes as rhymes.

This  is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts.  It connects a central idea to all of its components.


more information - diving deeper videos

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

College Info Geek's How to Study Effectively with Flash Cards Video

College Info Geek's Study Less Study Smart: 6-Minute Summary of Marty Lobdell's Lecture Video

Memorize Academy's How to Memorize Fast and Easily Video

If you would like to have an individual or study group meeting with a Learning Strategies counselor focusing on your specific needs, please contact us! 

304-534-7878 or