
Visual mnemonics include the use of visual imagery with some type of verbal mnemonic.  

The information in an image mnemonic is constructed in the form of a picture that can be associated with the topic in some way, and that promotes recall of the information.

 The sillier the image mnemonic is, the easier it is to recall the related information.

 These images may be mental or sketched on flash cards or your lecture notes. 

Don't worry about your artistic ability, as long as you know what your sketch means.

Picture of a smiley face and the word laugh, breaking it down as Laugh And U Get Happy.

(Paired with acronym mnemonic.) A picture of a smiley face laughing was paired with an acronym composed of words to help remember the concept of laughing makes us feel happier.  (Truth in psychology.)

Picture of a rainbow with the letters roy g biv shown on the corresponding colors.

(Paired with name mnemonic.) An acronym of a "person's" name (Roy G Biv) was created from the first letters of the colors of the rainbow, and it was paired with a picture of a rainbow.  Picturing the rainbow is the cue for the mnemonic.

To remember the months of the year that have 31 days, visualize each a month as either a knuckle or gap.  The knuckles are months that have 31 days. This one is paired with the names of the months in order that they occur.

(Paired with word mnemonics.) The acronym BAT, created from the first letters of a list of categories of antidepressant drugs (Barbiturates, Alcohol, and Tranquilizers), was paired with a picture of a black bat.  The black color of the bat symbolizes depression. 

(Paired with model mnemonics.):  Some type of representation is constructed to help with understanding and recalling important information.  Graphs, maps, basically any type of model that shows what you need to recall and the order. 

With a large model such as the Krebs Cycle shown in the second picture, it is easier to learn and remember if it is divided into quarters and learned one quarter at a time; which is why the model is divided into 4 parts. 

Let's say you need to remember a person's name, John Horsley, who came up with a theory related to the digestive system (he did not). To remember his name, you can use an image mnemonic by visualizing a horse sitting on a toilet (john).  


the crazier the better!

Allow your imagination to run wild.

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Buzzfeed's Are You A Visual Thinker? Video