Preparing to Take Notes

Effective note-taking is a skill you can learn, like driving a car.   

To remember new information, you must interact with it (read, hear, see, and work with it) many times.

So, make the class lecture or lab be at least the second time you interact with the material.

Your first interaction happens before class!

•	 Twenty four Hours prior to the lecture •	Check the Syllabus o	Check the syllabus for the content of the upcoming lesson.  o	Look for specific information such as chapters to read, links to additional information, and other recommended resources. o	If only basic information is given, use that information as a starting point.  •	Research Information o	Check the syllabus for the content of the upcoming lesson.  o	Look for specific information such as chapters to read, links to additional information, and other recommended resources. o	If only basic information is given, use that information as a starting point.  •	Take Notes o	Start taking notes. Leave space to add to the notes when you attend the lecture or lab o	Write down any questions you have so you can make sure to get them answered during the lecture or lab.  •	Begin Making Study Aids o	Begin making flash cards or any other study aids you may use.

For more information about the suggestions above, click the links below.

Searching for information online

More strategies to search for information online

Need help understanding what's in your textbook

This is an animated picture of students sitting in a class listening to a lecture. Title is Note Taking to Pass Your Class. It is a link to the Note Taking informational webpage.

To find our Self-Help Videos module on Note Taking

To have a personal session for yourself or you and your friends, contact us.

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More Information - Diving Deeper Videos

 This is a picture of where to click on the video to get close captioning (cc) and to make the picture larger (rectangle) or smaller (4 arrows in rectangle pointing to the center)

College Info Geek's What's in My Backpack? Video

If you need more information

or would like to have a personal consultation,

in-person or by video chat, 

with a Learning Strategies coach,

contact us at:   or   call 304-534-7878