Toy Making 

Toy Box

Toy Box



Playing with a toy box can motivate the use of motor, cognitive and social-emotional skills, thus allowing free play, fostering observation, the development of imagination and creativity, the value of recycling (notion and value to be reused) and the notion of fragility (possibility of destruction), also we can encourage organization and responsibility for cleaning up their toys when they finish playing, keeping them in a specific place that the child can identify as their play area. 


1. Reinforce the box at the bottom with masking tape. If the top has the cardboard covers, fold them inward and reinforce with masking tape.

2. Line the four sides of the box with the butcher paper.

3. Make two small holes with the tips of the scissors on the two smaller sides of the box, 4 inches apart between each hole, and insert the cotton string into each of the two holes on each side of the box. Tie a knot at each end of the cotton rope.

4. Reinforce with adhesive tape at the 4 corner ends, top, and bottom.

5. Decorate using 1 of the 2 colored sheets of paper, trace and cut out the letters of your child's name, the first letter of the name, is capitalized in a different color from the rest of the other letters that are lowercase. Example: Regina and paste the letters on one of the sides of the box (the long side if the box is rectangular).Trace and cut out the numbers 1,2.3. on the sheet of different color and paste on the other long side of the box.



You can tape the top and bottom of the box and the corners so that it stronger.

Possibilities Sheet