Lesson 2.2: Developmental Milestones
Part 2
Lesson Summary
This lesson continues to address the developmental expectations and milestones for children from birth to five years of age. Participants have an opportunity to reflect and discuss the importance of understanding developmental milestones and expected development.
Key Understandings
Parents understand what their child can do at certain ages and how to support their baby learn and grow.
Parents understand what resources are available to them to address developmental concerns.
BEFORE: Engage in Learning
Review the CDC Developmental Milestones Handout that outlines the milestones from birth to five years old.
Milestones Tracker App
You can download the Milestone Tracker App on your phone. This is a great way to keep track of milestones.

DURING: Explore new concepts
By becoming familiar with the development milestones for normal growth, parents can keep an eye on children’s growth to make sure they are coming along well.
Understanding and monitoring children’s development can help with any concerns you may have about your child’s development.

AFTER: Extend your learning
What You Need to Know: Early Intervention
Review the following website, which is a great resource for early intervention, evaluations, and services. It also describes what the law says.
Exit Ticket: Final Reflection
As you listen to the song Magnolia Tree, answer the following questions:
What is 1 thing you learned about early intervention?
What is 1 question you still have about early intervention?
Share your reflection with the other participants in your local program.