Food Tasting: April 2024 Kiwi

“Kiwi” go again! It is time for another fruit or vegetable of the month! 

When I think of kiwi, I think of an oval shaped, egg-sized fruit with a brown and fuzzy exterior and bright green flesh. But did you know there are other types of kiwis? Golden kiwis are similar in size and shape but have smooth exteriors with yellow insides. There are also kiwi varieties that are grape-sized and green on the outside, called hardy kiwi or kiwiberries. 

Kiwis originated in China and were eventually introduced and grown in New Zealand, where they were known as Chinese gooseberries. When the fruits were first exported out of New Zealand, they were referred to as kiwiberries, named after the national bird of New Zealand. In the United States we often shorten kiwiberries to just kiwi. 

The majority of kiwi In the United States are grown in California. Did you know that kiwi grow on vines just like grapes do? Small tree trunks are supported by a line of wooden beams connected by wires. These wires help to support and guide the branches and vines of the kiwi plant. The kiwi fruit, attached to its vine, will gently hang down from the wire and slowly mature over time. 

Whether fuzzy or smooth, kiwis are packed with nutrients! Kiwi is an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin K. These vitamins and nutrients are essential for boosting your immune system and maintaining healthy blood. Kiwi also contains lots of fiber, which helps us to feel full and keeps our digestive system running smoothly. 

When shopping for kiwi, press on the outside of the fruit with your thumb. If it has a little give, you know the kiwi is ripe. Unripened kiwi can be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator for up to 6 weeks! You can ripen kiwi by placing it in a brown bag on the counter and speed up ripening by adding an apple or banana to the bag. Ripe kiwi can stay at room temperature for several days or you can put them in the fridge for up to 4 weeks. Freezing kiwi is another great way to store extras! Make sure to wash your kiwi before eating them. 

You can enjoy this delicious fruit by cutting a fresh kiwi in half and using a spoon to scoop out the insides, or simply washing, slicing, and eating the fruit. Kiwi skin is edible too! Other ways to incorporate kiwi into your diet include adding chopped kiwi to a fruit salad, blending them into a smoothie, tossing them into a salsa or using them as a topping for yogurt. There are many options for enjoying kiwi! What is your favorite way?

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