Food Tasting: June 2023 Zucchini

What does a vegetable wear to the beach? That’s right, a ZUCCHINI!

Zucchini is the most popular summer squash. Botanically, it is a fruit but considered a vegetable when it comes to MyPlate—this is due to the way we cook and prepare them. Unlike winter squash, zucchini is harvested and eaten before the rind or skin becomes hard. Zucchinis have a short growing season and thrive best during warmer months. Did you know that zucchini can grow one inch per day!?! When it comes to harvesting zucchini, smaller sizes are best. You can eat all parts of this delicious green summer squash, from the skin down to the seeds. Did we mention those beautiful flowers? Yup! They’re edible as well!

While they may be small, zucchinis are mighty in helping to build a strong immune system. Just a ½ cup contains a good source of vitamin C which helps to ward off germs and keeps our body healthy. Zucchini also provides manganese, a mineral that is involved in the formation of bone and connective tissue. Sounds like the perfect addition for a fun summer BBQ.

When purchasing zucchini, be sure to look for a smooth, shiny skin and one that feels heavy for its size. You can tell if a zucchini is ripe if it’s firm and gives slightly to gentle pressure. Uncut zucchini can be kept in the refrigerator for up to one week. Once cut, it can last for three days in a sealed bag or container. There are so many ways to prepare and enjoy this low calorie, fat-free, sodium-free, and cholesterol-free veggie. You can bake, steam, stir-fry, grill, pickle or eat it raw. Add it to a salad or substitute it for pasta by spiraling zucchini into zoodles for spaghetti night or long thin slices for lasagna. If you’re feeling a little adventurous, try zucchini pancakes or zucchini bread. The possibilities are endless!

So, the next time you run into this delectable veggie in the produce section, bring some home to put a fresh twist on your favorite recipes!

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