Food Tasting: January 2023 Limes

Time to try....Citrus!

What do oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes all have in common? Besides an amazing aroma and brightly colored rind, they’re all citrus fruits! This month, Eat Right Philly encourages students to try CITRUS.

Although the exact origin of citrus is still unknown, they are thought to come from Southern Asia. Grown on an evergreen or a small shrub, one tree can hold up to 60,000 flowers, but only one percent of those flowers will become fruit. The benefits of citrus are astounding! They’re jam-packed with tons of nutrients and antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber and potassium--- which help to strengthen our immune system, support a healthy heart and eyes, and maintain proper digestion.

Luckily, this versatile fruit is easy to incorporate into your everyday life. Since MyPlate recommends making half of your plate fruits and vegetables, enjoy any variety of citrus as a delightful snack, slice it and juice it to add extra flavor to your favorite recipes or add it to your favorite beverages. It can be as simple as adding a few squirts and slices to water!

Beyond their nutritional benefits, this versatile fruit tastes great and can be used for zesting, cleaning and even skin care! With over 100 varieties, citrus fruits are easy to find in a store near you. Just be sure to avoid citrus that is bruised or browning on the outside. Choose varieties that are equally firm but give resistance when you press into it. Citrus fruits that are too firm will not release as much juice, and you’ll want to get all the juice you can from these delicious fruits.

Orange-you glad you have all this knowledge now!? Try a piece of citrus today and soak up all the amazing benefits that they have to offer!

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