Food Tasting: December 2019 Bell Peppers

Time to try....Bell Peppers!

This month your nutrition educator will be bringing bell peppers for students to try. According to MyPlate, Bell Peppers count as a serving of vegetables, but botanically they are actually a fruit! If the thought - “Wait, I didn’t know bell peppers were fruits,” crossed your mind, you are not alone. Can you guess what type of fruit bell peppers are? If you guessed berries – you are correct! These berries can be green, red, yellow or orange and have a mild bittersweet taste. The green variety is harvested before red or yellow pigmentation is seen, which tends to be 60 to 80 days after replanting. All varieties are abundant in Vitamin A, as beta carotene, and Vitamin C, but the green variety tends to be lower in calories and carbohydrates.

This crunchy and refreshing treat can be enjoyed raw alone or with a healthy dip, such as hummus. It’s mild, sweet taste complements salads and it can also be used as a vessel for stuffing, such as roasted bell peppers stuffed with rice, corn, and beans - lightly topped with fresh cheese.

Our team has prepared a wonderful way to feature bell peppers in this stand out herbed potato salad recipe. Check it out below!

Classroom Resources

Use these worksheets to guide students through activities once they have sampled their tasting!

Multiple Grades - Seasonal Produce Guide

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade

Multiple Grades - Nutrition Facts

9th - 12th Grade - Harvest of the Month