Food Tasting: November 2022 Pears

Time to try....Pears!

November is all about the celebration of our favorite bell-shaped fruit, PEARS! Pears grow on trees and are one of the few fruits that ripen best after they are harvested. You know that a pear is ready to eat if there is a little give when a slight amount of pressure is applied just below the stem. Once ripened, enjoy it right away or store ripe pears in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. If you have pears that are not quite ripe, store them on the counter at room temperature and enjoy in a matter of days.

Did you know that pear allergies are rare? Pears are considered a hypoallergenic fruit. They’re also an excellent source of dietary fiber! Pears can help to maintain bowel function, support heart health, and help to reduce cholesterol. Pears also contain vitamin C (helps to boost the immune system) and potassium (a mineral and electrolyte that helps your muscles work and assists with controlling your heartbeat and breathing). Naturally low in fat, sodium and calories, enjoying a pear can help to meet the recommended 1-2 cups of fruit per day. In general, 1 cup of fruit, 100% juice or ½ cup of dried fruit can be considered as 1 cup towards your daily recommended intake. Choosing a whole fruit form over juice can help to keep you feeling fuller longer.

This month, Eat Right Philly encourages students to try one of the many varieties of pears. Did you know that there are over 3,000 pear varieties grown around the world? In the United States, the Bartlett pear is the most popular variety. Try pears in a variety of forms: dried, canned, juiced, baked, added to smoothies, or fresh. Check out the video and recipe below for a delicious pear treat!

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