Food Tasting: September 2022 Cucumber

Time to try....Cucumbers!

This month Eat Right Philly encourages students to try cucumber. This crunchy veggie is filled with vitamins and minerals such as B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, Vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc (WOW – try saying that three times fast!). Cucumbers also provide antioxidants which help the body fight off harmful free radicals (lean more about antioxidants here.) They are very refreshing, containing 96% water! Another neat fact about the cucumber is that its high-water content often makes it cool to the touch – which is where the phrase “cool as a cucumber” started.

Cucumbers are a versatile food and easy to add to your diet. We can make pickles from cucumbers, add them to a salad or use them as a dipping chip with hummus. Cucumbers can be found year-round at your local supermarket.

Check out the recipe and video below where we teach you how simple it is to make Quick Pickled Cucumbers!

Classroom Resources

Use these worksheets to guide students through activities once they have sampled their tasting!