Food Tasting: May 2023 Golden Raisins

Time to try… Raisins!


What was once a plump grape and is found in a variety of colors? That’s right, it’s the mighty RAISIN!  Raisins can be found in a variety of colors like green, black, brown, purple and even golden yellow. The varieties depend on the type of grape that is used. Traditionally, grapes are dried right in the vineyard and depending on the temperature, this can take between two and four weeks. As the grapes dry, the moisture evaporates, creating a newly dried fruit, the RAISIN. 

Raisins are nutritious and provide our body with an assortment of benefits, such as fiber, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin A--which helps to maintain proper digestion, regulate fluid balance, and support a healthy heart and eyes. For most individuals, MyPlate recommends 2 cups of fruit each day. Not only do raisins count toward this recommendation, but they also have the added benefit of being low in fat and sodium! 

When shopping for dried fruit, choose varieties with no added-sugar when possible, and avoid those that are ‘crystalized’ or ‘candied’. These are just fancy ways of saying that sugar is added to the outside of the fruit. Not sure what to do if you can’t find a variety with no added-sugar? Buy what’s available! Dried fruit still provides us with tons of benefits and since it is dried, it has a longer shelf life and is easy to keep on hand. Just be sure to pay attention to your portion size. One quarter cup of raisins is about the same as a half cup of grapes.

To top it all off, there are several ways to enjoy this delicious fruit: toss some on your yogurt in the morning, elevate the flavor of a salad, add it to your favorite trail mix, spruce up your oatmeal, or simply enjoy them on-the-go all by themselves. This yummy snack is available all year round so grab some delicious raisins today! 

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