Food Tasting: April 2019 Greens

Time to try....Greens!

This month, your nutrition educator will be bringing students mustard greens to taste! A member of the cruciferous vegetable family, these greens are quick and easy to grow. They pack a spicy flavor and make a great addition to a mixed green salad.

Did you know leaves are good for you? Green leafy vegetables are filled with important vitamins, like vitamins A and C. These vitamins support our eye health and protect us from getting sick. Greens are vegetables that resemble cabbage, but whose leaves don’t grow very close together. In fact, greens come from ancient wild cabbages that were found in the Mediterranean and Asia.

Greens can be eaten raw or cooked. In the United States, southern states have a long tradition of cooking with greens. Because greens are available throughout the year, you can try fun new recipes every week, just like this one for Ethiopian Style Greens.

Classroom Resources

Educators: use these worksheets to guide students through activities once they have sampled their tasting!

Greens Fact Sheet

Greens Seasonal Produce Guide

Kindergarten - 8th Grade