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Hello Thursday Families!

What a fun day we had! With only two weeks left of the school year, we gave a moment (or two) to stop and pat ourselves on the back today for completing all of the lessons in our textbooks that were listed in the syllabi! Can you believe it?! As we begin to wrap up the school year, we will be focusing mainly on the remaining Spring Final Projects, our Timeline Project, and enjoying our last two days of school as a class! 

Today's devotional focused on Colossians 3:13, "Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." We also watched this short corresponding video where Jennie Allen talked about this verse and relates the weight and burden that we can may feel when we do not forgive as the Lord has forgiven us.. 


After students turned in their Unit 6 quizzes from homework, we used our class time to make a really sweet Mother's Day gift! They did such an AWESOME job with their pieces! Just in case some students decided to wait til Sunday to give their gifts to their mama's, I will hold off on posting photos til after Mother's Day! 


After the 10 minute break, we resumed with Spring Final Project presentations! Wonderful job to all the students! I was very impressed with all of the research that was shared and the hard work that was put into visuals was very clear! We wrapped up class with assigning and discussing our Timeline projects, (more info on this is on the printable homework!). 


Upon returning from the 10 minute break, we cleaned up and headed over to the santuary for a special student-only showing of La Fiesta by our performing arts students!

CLICK HERE for this week's printable homework!