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Hello Thursday Families!!

We started the day with a read aloud from one of our daily devotional books which talked about having patience and faith in God, even when that means having unanswered questions, because He always provides what we need. The Bible verse for the day was, Then they gathered around him and asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?" He said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority." Acts 1: 6-7 Our opening prayer followed.


After our devotional, and quick check-in about how everyone's past week has gone, (I love our class discussions and appreciate how much each of our students feels comfortable to share!), I passed back the grades from their Fall Science Projects. We then reviewed Chapters 4, 5, 6, & 7 (that was a lot of info!) and all participated in a Transimitting Signals activity! Lastly, several students shared their Internet Reports, or as one student called it, "The 1990's report" (lol), and I asked the class if they thought times were "simpler" before the internet and much to my surprise, almost the entire class felt that it was not! It seems that the convenience that the internet provides plays a role in how "simple" life can be? My hope was to dive into this discussion more to hear about students thoughts on this, but by then it was time for our 10 minute break!


What a way to start our American History Class?! After the Pledge of Allegience and Pledge to the Bible, we were led by several classmates in singing the Star-Spangled Banner! Let's just say, I think and hope that our classroom neighbors enjoyed the vocals that came from our class! Next, our class delegates met to finalize our Class Constitution as well as brainstorm on additional ways for students to earn hole punches while other classmates presented their Biography worksheets from the week prior. Our class delegates wrapped up their meeting in time to also share their Biography worksheets, before sharing their finalized Class Constitution! We then reviewed chapters 17 & 18, watched a short video on the War of 1812, and then reviewed chapter 19.


Following the school announcements, we had two students share their paragraphs on Hans Christian Andersen while two more students listened for check-list items (i.e. ly-adverbs, banned words, because clause, who/which clause, clause, topic-clincher, etc). Next, we jumped into Lesson 16's Goals and students were introduced to a new structure for writing: Writing from Pictures. This new model will allow students to write their own fairy tales! Before wrapping up the day, we began working on the KWO as a class. 

CLICK HERE for this week's printable homework!